Strong Inward Inspection
A strong inward inspection is a precursor to manufacturing high quality taper rollers. Over the years we have not only built a dedicated team of inward inspection professionals but have also invested in several world-class instruments. A few of them are as follows:
Direct reading spectrometer
We have an in-house digital spectrometer which analyzes the chemical properties of the steel wire within 20 seconds. Every single coil used for production is inspected with the spectrometer before consumption.
Digital universal testing machine with plotter
The tensile strength of the wire is tested using an in-house Digital Universal Testing Machine with plotter.
Microscope with 3000x magnification
The wire is tested for the microstructure and inclusions using an in-house 3000x microscope.
Image analysis software
We use an advanced image analysis software to perform an objective analysis of the microstructure of our raw material.